Used, Tested and Working.
in good cosmetic shape , some minor scuffs on the lid and base.
Good Backlit Keyboard and Good Track Pad with minor wear.
The Palm Rests show signs of wear.
Comes with a Charger.
About This Laptop
This system has been reset to its original factory settings, the storage drive has been securely wiped using the NIST 800-88 Rev. 1 standard and a fresh operating system has been installed using the OEM key provided by the manufacturer. Hardware components are installed using Microsoft-provided drivers. The system has been tested for key functionality and passed before the sale listing. The system does not come with any other items than those that are explicitly noted in this post. The system does not come with recovery software of any kind.
We do not provide ongoing technical support.
When included all Batteries ARE TESTED and hold the minimum capacity of 75% OEM standard or greater.
Technical Specifications of this system
- CPU: 4-core i7-8650U@1.90GHz
- Ram: 16.00 GB DDR4 2400MHz
- Storage Device: 256GB SSD
- Installed Operating system: Windows 11 Pro – Activated
- Display resolution: 1920 x 1080
- Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)Â : Intel UHD Graphics 620
- CPU: Tested = PASS
- Memory: Tested = PASS
- Storage: Tested = PASS GRADE A
- Camera: Tested = pass
- Audio Device: Tested = pass
- Wifi Device: Tested = pass
- Bluetooth: Tested =pass
- Battery Test: = Good
- Includes: AC Adapter
- R2V3 : C4 – F3